
Look behind the scenes of nixie tube making

Reliability of our nixie tubes – vacuum tightness

Customers often ask questions related to lifespan and reliability of our nixie tubes. We recently made a tube with serial number #3000, I think we now have representative sample of tubes to make some nice statistics. In following months, I will write several articles covering all the problematics.

Mid 2017 update

Recent 6 months were pretty busy, we now make much faster progress in development of our little nixie tube factory than anytime ever. This blogpost is a summary of our successes and also problems we face to. Let’s take a look what’s been going on here: Zen Nixie Clock The Zen Nixie Clock is what […]

2016: Year in review

Year 2017 is here, right time to review year 2016. Year 2016 was about transformation from one-man-show to small company. And because business is about numbers, I decided I will share them with you. Maybe business people among you will have some notes to my decisions 😉 One year ago, I set myself a goal […]